
Showing posts from May, 2018

12 George Salloum The Relationship of Communion

The love relationship between you and Jesus can be a beautiful communion that takes different forms. What does it mean to pray always? How about praying in the Spirit? Prayer is to your walk with Jesus as air is to your lungs. Learn how to make it beautiful and refreshing to your soul.

11 George Salloum Why do You Look for Me

10 George Salloum The Two Lamps

Do you consume the world more than you consume the Word? Shaping your picture of Jesus will shape your life. George speaks about reading and saturating yourself in the Word of God. A world that is full of darkness needs the light of Jesus Christ. For us to be like Jesus we must allow His lamp to brighten our lamp.

9 George Salloum The Greatest

Several times the disciples asked Jesus who the greatest amongst them was. Is there anything wrong with having ambition in life? What attributes should I be adopting in my life? Every area that is surrendered to God is an area that can be the greatest.

8 George Salloum The Early Church

Why did God move so dramatically in the early church and how can we pattern ourselves on what He designed? We can discover so much about our own lives and community by learning how God formed the early church. The church was a vibrant and living group. The entire goal was to be like Jesus. How do we work this out today?

7 George Salloum Crossing Into a New Season

At certain times in life it’s like a line is drawn underneath the period just gone and the new is about to begin. Facing something new or unknown can feel concerning, but it can be a time when God can do wonders in your life. Pastor George Salloum talks about preparing yourself for what lies ahead.

6 Tim Follett In One Accord

God tells us that being in one accord is important, but what does that really mean? What is the relationship between heart and action when being in one accord? What does it really mean to be obedient? Pastor Tim Follet teaches about the responsibility of unity.

5 George Salloum What if God Googled You

It’s easier to do things for Jesus than to be with Jesus because vulnerability can be challenging. What does it mean for Jesus to know you? To have a relationship with you? Inviting the intimacy that Jesus wants with you is very different to serving Him or knowing about Him. If God Googled you, would He find the values of Heaven in you?

4 George Salloum Future Events Part Three

Part three of the generally accepted view of what God has planned for the end of times. Have you ever wondered about the rapture? The tribulation? Who goes and who stays? This is a biblical look at Jesus’ second coming. If His first coming was the good news, then the second coming must be the great news.

3 George Salloum Future Events Part Two

Part two of the generally accepted view of what God has planned for the end of times. Have you ever wondered about the rapture? The tribulation? Who goes and who stays? This is a biblical look at Jesus’ second coming. If His first coming was the good news, then the second coming must be the great news.

2 George Salloum Future Events Part One

Part three of the generally accepted view of what God has planned for the end of times. Have you ever wondered about the rapture? The tribulation? Who goes and who stays? This is a biblical look at Jesus’ second coming. If His first coming was the good news, then the second coming must be the great news.