
Showing posts from August, 2018

25 George Salloum The Priest Part 2

God has bought so much for us. George spells some of them out and challenges us to walk in them.

24 George Salloum The Priest

Carrying the presence of God is an honour that we are entrusted with. Do we trust God knows what He is doing, or do we think we know what is best for our lives?

23 George Salloum Know Thyself Part Three

What does your life tell people about your relationship with Jesus? What happens if your identity as a disciple of Jesus is tested – are you re-presenting Him well?

22 George Salloum Know Thyself Part Two

What is it like when we don’t know how to live out of our true identity? Perhaps we need to become intentional about practicing knowing who we are.

21 George Salloum Know Thyself Part One

Jesus Christ was the ultimate example of self-awareness as well as intimately knowing those around about Him. George explores the topic of understanding your own identity and what it is grounded in.