
Showing posts from July, 2018

20 George Salloum The Holy Spirit

Is the Holy Spirit part of your every day life? What differences could be made if you were having a two-way conversation about the smaller and larger decisions you were making day after day in your life? This teaching will inspire you to a greater awareness and obedience.

19 Tim Follett Where is Your God?

Culture is screaming at us: Where is your God? Tim explores the question of what is our responsibility to act on, and what we leave up to God. He speaks about the importance of the quiet times when no one is watching, and the decisions and consequences we face for our actions. At the end of the message a practical few minutes is led on listening to God.

18 George Salloum The Gateway

In God’s infinite wisdom He chose mankind to be a conduit of His power and Word. Instead of looking at the man or woman, we need to look at God. When God lives and works through a human being, it’s a humbling and awe-inspiring experience.