
Showing posts from June, 2019

66 Ps Aaron Thirkettle Skilful and Expectant 20190623

Ps Aaron Thirkettle preaches a message of faith.

65 Ps George Salloum The Rock The Keys The Gate 20190616

Matthew 16:15 -19. Ps George preaches on what is the rock and who he gave the keys to and what they are for.

64 Ps George Salloum Who Do You Say I am?

Who do you say I am? "You are the Christ the Son of the Living God" A revelation of Jesus from God the Father could mean the difference of who Jesus is to you when things are not going well. Ps George Salloum.

63 Ps George Salloum - The Two Builders

The Two Builders. Luke 6:47 -49. Today Ps George preaches on our responsibility to build our character, which requires "digging" not just hearing. A great message on foundations for building a strong Christian life

62 Ps Aaron Thirkettle - Comparison The Thief of Joy

God has given each one of us unique gifts, callings and purpose. Pastor Aaron Thirkettle speaks on how comparing ourselves to other Christians can rob us of our joy.